When the Penguin character, also known as Oswald “Oz” Cobblepot, was reintroduced into the DC Universe in the 2022 film The Batman, the character underwent a major transformation. The Penguin’s appearance again veered heavily away from its original comic book concept, introduced in Detective Comics #58 by creators Bob Kane and Bill Finger in 1941. In The Batman, actor Colin Farrell was given a heavy makeup transformation but appeared to have shed many of the Penguin’s previous calling cards like his monocle, morning suit, and heavily weaponized umbrella. Interestingly, though, in HBO’s new series The Penguin, some of those signature accessories have crept back into his physical presentation, even though the character has gone from “Gentleman of Crime” to a mob associate who looks like he could have been one of Vito Corleone’s henchmen in The Godfather.
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